welcome to dailymae

dailymae is a personal blog, where you’ll find all kinds of different posts. I hope there will be something for everybody, so have fun clicking through the website!

Something for everyone

This blog is about my personal experiences, that I want to share with you.

for readers

book reviews, TBRs, challenges and DNFs

for athletes

gymnastics, triathlon, strength training, and more

for students

how to study, keep up with lectures, and find motivation

for young adults

moving out, making money, be independent

for travelers

beaches, cities, nature, and culture

for couch potatoes

best netflix series, crocheting, podcasts

latest posts

Have fun discovering your favourite posts on my blog. Why don’t you start reading my two latest posts?

  • Earning money as a student
    Earning money is a constant and quite prominent factor in probably all of our minds. But when you’re still young and not able to work a full time job, because you have to go to school or university, this is… Read more: Earning money as a student
  • How I study
    Now studying is a bit of a tricky subject. There are no right or wrong techniques, and everybody learns differently. It is however very important to find out, which technique works best for yourself. So I’m gonna try to describe… Read more: How I study